- Go to http://www.goteamspeak.com.
Click on Downloads on the left side of the screen.
- Here you will see a list of different versions of TeamSpeak Client and Server.
- Find the Windows downloads section.
- Find the TeamSpeak 2 Server.
- Click on either Site 1 or Site 2 to begin downloading.
- Read the TeamSpeak End User License Agreement.
- Click 'I AGREE' at the bottom of the page to continue.
- Click Run when prompted with the next two screens.
- When asked if you would like to install TeamSpeak 2 Server, click 'Yes.'
- The setup wizard will be displayed, click 'Next' to continue.
- The License Agreement screen will be shown.
- Select 'I accept the agreement' and click 'Next.'
- You will then be prompted to select a folder directory to install the server in
- Select a folder to install the application in, and click 'Next'.
- For most users, the default location is recommended.
- You will then be prompted to select a folder to put the shortcuts in and then click 'Next' to continue.
- For most users, the default location is recommended.
- The wizard will then ask if you would like to create an icon on the desktop.
- If you would like to create an icon on the desktop, leave Create a desktop icon checked and click Next.
- If you would like to not create an icon on the desktop, uncheck Create a desktop icon and click Next.
- Click Install to begin the install process.
- Read the information about TeamSpeak Server and click Next.
- The setup wizard will then be finished.
- If you would like to launch TeamSpeak right away, Click Finish.
- If you don’t want to launch TeamSpeak right away, uncheck Launch TeamSpeak 2 Server, Click Finish.
- TeamSpeak Server is now installed on your machine.
- If you selected to launch TeamSpeak, you will see an icon running in the lower right bottom of your screen.
PHP.net: A Tourist's Guide
Everyone knows the www.php.net
site. All of us went there sooner or later, and will keep going back there. This is the central reference point for PHP users, and there is a wealth of information there. Not all of it is obvious. Come with me, I'll show you.
www.php.net: Main Website
This is the primary web site. The front page is where major news is published: new PHP versions, security updates, and new projects launched. This site is also mirrored in dozens of countries worldwide.
This is the home of the download page, for everyone to get the latest version of the PHP source code and binaries for Windows. The current and next-to-current versions are available there. (There is also a PHP Museum, which has all of the source distributions since June 1996.)
The next most visited section is the documentation. The documentation is translated into twelve different languages, and is available in a variety of different formats. Users are able to read notes on the documentation left by other users, and contribute their own notes. The documentation is a real community project by itself!
The support page has all the directions to a wealth of resources both inside and outside of PHP.net. The community has built a huge network of knowledge bases, PHP user groups, and training sessions where anyone can have his or her questions answered. Non-English-speaking users also get a large share of attention.
Now, buckle up your seat belt, and stop smoking. Here are the no-light streets:
talks.php.net: Conference Materials
This is where speakers at various PHP-related conferences keep their slides. It covers all sorts of topics, from the famous 'Rasmus' introduction to PHP to the latest 'PHP system administration', through PEAR and advanced topics. All those slides are available within the PHP slide application.
news.php.net: Mailing Lists Web and NNTP Interface
news.php.net is the web interface to the PHP mailing lists. If you're not subscribed to the mailing lists, but you still want to keep in touch regularly, this is your place. An infinite pile of fresh news and trends of PHP. You can also point your news reader at the NNTP server at news.php.net to follow the lists.
pear.php.net: The PHP Extension and Application Repository
PEAR is the next revolution in PHP. This repository is bringing higher level programming to PHP. PEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components. It eases installation by bringing an automated wizard, and packing the strength and experience of PHP users into a nicely organised OOP library.
pecl.php.net: The PHP Extension Community Library
PECL is a repository for PHP Extensions, providing a directory of all known extensions and hosting facilities for downloading and development of PHP extensions.
The packaging and distribution system used by PECL is shared with its sister, PEAR.
bugs.php.net: Bug Database
The bug database is where you can bring problems with PHP to the attention of developers (but don't forget to double-check that somebody else hasn't already reported the same problem!).
doc.php.net: Documentation collaboration
The documentation projects website tries to gather all PHP.net hosted documentation teams together with tools, status reports and an RFC system.
docs.php.net: Documentation dev server
The documentation developmental server is a PHP mirror that contains upcoming releases of the PHP documentation before it's pushed out to the mirrors. Documentation changes, such as layout, is tested here (with feedback requested) before being made official. Documentation is built here four times a day.
qa.php.net: Quality Assurance Team
The Quality Assurance team is one of the most important pieces of the PHP project, protecting users from bugs. It is gathered around the QA mailing list, and this site allows anyone to provide tests and experience to the release process.
cvs.php.net: CVS Repository
The PHP project is organized with a CVS server, and this website is the web interface to it. There you can browse the history (and latest versions) of the source code for all of the PHP projects. For example, the php-src module is the repository for the source code to the latest version of PHP itself.
lxr.php.net: Cross Reference
Cross reference for source code, based on the "Linux Cross Reference". This is the ultimate tool for exploring PHP code. Any time an important macro or function is detected within the code, it is linked to its definition, and all its usage locations. This will help you build your code, and understand the PHP source.
gtk.php.net: PHP-GTK
This web site is the home of the PHP-GTK project, which allows PHP to be used to build graphical interfaces, with slick interface and highly interactive content. You'll find the downloads and docs here, and the latest news from the project.
snaps.php.net: Daily PHP Snapshots
This is your first stop if you're looking for cutting edge development versions of PHP which are generated every day from the current stable and current development sources.
gcov.php.net: Test and Code Coverage analysis
This site is dedicated to automatic PHP code coverage testing. On a regular basis current CVS snapshots are being build and tested on this machine. After all tests are done the results are visualized along with a code coverage analysis.
wiki.php.net: The PHP Wiki
Home of the official PHP wiki, this site contains information related to php.net like RFCs, GSOC information, and TODO files. Most every aspect of the PHP project has a wiki section and everyone is able to apply for wiki commit access.